Wednesday, March 26, 2025
History Prehistory Australopithecus: the Southern Ape

Australopithecus: the Southern Ape

Australopithecus means the ‘southern ape.’ It is an extinct primate that lived 4.4 to 1.4 million years ago. Australopithecus is the genus name and represents several species. This primate has ape and human traits. This ancient primate is one of the early ancestors of modern humans.

About Australopithecus

Where Did it Live?

The fossil remains of this primate are located in East and Southern Africa. These locations have a dry savanna climate. It is difficult to determine if it also lived in the rainforest. The rainforest is hot and moist and not suitable for preserving fossils. In addition, there is no evidence that the primate lived outside of Africa.

Comparison with Modern Humans

Australopithecus had a brain much smaller than the modern human brain. The brain was about a third the size of human brains. Males were 1.5 meters tall and weighed 68 kilograms. Females were shorter and lighter. Proportionally, its arms are longer than the legs. Many of its physical features are ape like in nature.

bipedal Australopithecus footprints
Footprints of Australopithecus are bipedal (Creative Commons: James St. John).

Some scientists believe that it was bipedal. Bipedalism was advantageous to this primate. Standing upright freed the primate’s hands for other tasks. It could now carry objects or babies. Standing also made it possible to see farther. This was an advantage in seeing distant threats.

The primate was most likely a tree dweller. However, it was bipedal. Its body has features similar to upright modern humans. The strongest evidence of bipedalism are fossil footprints. The footprints showed that it could walk upright. The prints are located in volcanic ash in Tanzania.

Use of Tools

Evidence shows that this human ancestor used stone tools. However, this was primitive. Tool use was similar to chimpanzees and gorillas use of tools. The stone tools were used to cut up animal carcasses. This would indicate that the primate was a meat eater. However, scientists believe that it was a scavenger and not a hunter. Nevertheless, it is thought that it fed mostly on fruits, vegetables, and nuts.



  • bipedal
  • genus
  • primate


  • Australopithecus is an extinct primate and ancestor of modern humans.
  • The primate evolved and lived in the savanna of Africa.
  • This ancestor used simple stone tools and was bipedal.


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