Monday, March 3, 2025
History Prehistory Early Ancestors of Modern Humans: Our Family Tree

Early Ancestors of Modern Humans: Our Family Tree

The Ancestors of Modern Humans

The ancestors of modern humans first appeared in Africa. Modern humans are classified as Homo sapiens. However, the ancestors of modern humans belong to several species. These include the Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and other Homo species.

Click on each thumbnail image for a full-sized image.

Ancestors of Humans
Settlements of the ancestors of modern humans (Creative Commons: A Learning Family).

Ardipithecus species (4.4 million years ago)

This species is now extinct. Ardipithecus lived about 4.4 million years ago. They lived in Africa. In 2009, an almost complete skeleton of Ardipithecus was found in Ethiopia. The remains were nicknamed “Ardi”. Ardi was female. She was slightly more than 1 meter tall and weighed about 120 kilograms. Ardipithecus possessed opposable thumbs. She also had big toes used for climbing trees. It is possible that Ardi walked upright when on the ground.

Ardipithecus species
Ardipithecus species (Creative Commons: T. Michael Keesey).

Australopithecus species (4.2 million years ago)

Australopithecus evolved about 4.2 million years ago in East Africa. Scientists believe that the Homo species evolved from Australopithecus. This species was bipedal. Bipedalism means that it walked upright on two feet. Walking upright enabled Australopithecus to free up its arms for carrying food or babies. Standing upright also increased the ability to see predators from far away.

Australopithecus probably used tools some 3.4 million years ago. These simple stone tools were used to cut up animal carcasses.

Recommended Reading

Australopithecus: the Southern Ape

Australopithecus species
Australopithecus species (© Depositphoto).

Paranthropus species (2.6 million years ago)

This species lived 2.6 to 0.6 million years ago. This ancestor had a large head and strong forearms. However, the species weighed only about 40 kilograms and was a little over 1 meter in height. Paranthropus used stone tools, was bipedal, and possibly used fire.

Paranthropus species
Paranthropus species (Creative Commons: Nrkpan).

Homo habilis (2.5 million years ago)

Before Homo sapiens, other Homo species evolved in Africa. The oldest was Homo habilis (2.5 million years ago). Homo habilis coexisted with Paranthropus and Homo erectus. H. habilis had a larger brain size than these two species. Current thinking is that H. habilis used stone tools for scavenging rather than hunting.

Homo habilis
Homo habilis (Creative Commons: Nachosan).

Homo erectus (1.9 million years ago)

Homo erectus appeared about 1.9 million years ago. This species is more similar to modern humans than older Homo species. H. erectus was the first Homo species to migrate out of Africa. Fossil remains were first found in Indonesia and China. The belief is that this species was the first to use fire, use speech, hunt in groups, and care for others in their social group.

Recommended Reading

Homo erectus: First to Journey Out of Africa

Homo erectus
The skull of Homo erectus a bipedal ancestor (Creative Commons: Ryan Somma).

Homo heidelbergensis (700 thousand years ago)

H. heidelbergensis appeared about 700,000 years ago. Fossils have been found in Africa and Europe. The first specimen was found in Germany. Based on a finding a pit full of its skeletons, some scientists believe that they were the first to bury their dead. This species had a brain and physical features similar to modern humans.

Homo heidelbergensis
Homo heidelbergensis (Creative Commons: Jose Manuel Benito Alvarez).

Homo neanderthalensis (430 thousand years ago)

Neanderthals were a skilled species. They made advanced stone tools, used fire, made clothing, had early medical skills and were capable of speech. They were a stocky version of modern humans with shorter limbs. However, they had a large chest, nose, and sloping forehead. Their remains are spread throughout Europe to central Asia. They became extinct about 40,000 years ago.

Recommended Reading

Neanderthals: Homo neanderthalensis

Neanderthals or Homo neanderthalensis
Homo neanderthalensis (© Depositphoto).

Homo sapiens (300 thousand years ago)

Early Homo sapiens appeared about 300,000 years ago in Morocco, Africa. It is thought that these are the early humans that migrated out of Africa to Europe and Asia. Homo sapiens means ‘wise man.’

Today, this species has developed advanced technologies. It has developed advanced communications, food production, transportation, medicine, religious practice, and art.

Recommended Reading

Homo sapiens: Rise of the Wise Man



  • bipedal
  • extinct
  • opposable thumb


  • Early ancestors of humans appeared in Africa.
  • The early ancestors of modern humans include Ardipithecus, Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and the Homo species.
  • The earliest fossils of Homo sapiens are from Morocco.


Homo sapiens
Homo sapiens (Creative Commons: mizmareck).

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