The Nicaragua outline map is provided. The outline map includes a list of neighboring countries, major cities, major landforms and bodies of water of Nicaragua.
A student may use the blank map to practice locating these political and physical features.
Features of the Nicaragua Outline Map
Neighboring Countries
- Costa Rica
- El Salvador
- Honduras
Major Cities
- Managua (capital)
- Bluefields
- Chichigalpa
- Chinandega
- Diriamba
- El Rama
- Esteli
- Granada
- Jalapa
- Jinotega
- Juigalpa
- Leon
- Masaya
- Matagalpa
- Nagarote
- Ocotal
- Puerto Cabezas
- Rivas
- Tipitapa
Bodies of Water
- Caribbean Sea
- Lake Nicaragua
- Pacific Ocean
Major Landforms
- Amerrisque Mountains
- Cordillera los Maribios
- Isabella Mountains
- Mogoton
- Mosquito Coast
- Nicaraguan Lowlands
- Rio Grande